Transform Your Grief into Growth and

Find Your Purpose Again

I guide widows & widowers through grief to find their new purpose so

they can live a full and rewarding life.

“The grief was overwhelming, and I didn’t know how to move forward. Cindy provided the guidance and support I needed to start living again.” – J.L.

Get started on your healing journey

Here are 3 ways i can support you:

Transform Your Grief into Growth and Find Your Purpose Again

Have you ever found yourself asking?.......

• How long will this pain linger?

• How can I mana• Who am I without my loved one?

ge the overwhelming loneliness?

• What is my purpose now?

• Will happiness ever return?

You wake up each morning, feeling as if the only relief is the end of the day when you can sleep again.

But then instead of actually falling into deep restful sleep, you’re lying awake completely anxious about the more practical questions about the daily things such as:

• How do I cope with this confusing guilt??

• How can I bear being around uncaring friends/family?

• What do I do with the things my loved one used to take care of, and now it’s all on me?

10 Ways to Find Moments of Happiness

Despite the Deep Grief

We can find happiness daily.

Copyright 2024 Cindy Judd Burns ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

City, State USA